Norwegian Billionaire Funds World’s Largest Yacht to Clean Up Ocean Plastic

The pollution of our oceans may be one of the biggest crises we face in the modern world. Yet, no matter how many pictures of aquatic animals strangled by plastic rings, it seems that cleaning the ocean is low on the priority list. One man is using his enormous fortune to change all that, as well as research overfishing and climate change. 

The Self-Made Man

Being #1267 on the Forbes list might not immediately convey wealth and status. But, as of April 23rd, 2020, that number equals approximately 2.1 billion dollars. The name next to that position? Kjell Inge Røkke, 61. He’s a Norweigan citizen, and currently resides there, but his first foray into his future started in Seattle. There, he sold fish directly from a boat, before he went back to Norway to build “a fleet and a reputation.” Now, he owns 67% of shipping and offshore drilling company, Aker. Since 2011, his net worth has ranged between 1.6 and 4.3 billion–but he’s remained a billionaire for the better part of a decade, despite these fluctuations. (1)


In 2017, Røkke commissioned a ship 600 feet long–the largest of its kind. What was it? A new superyacht? Actually, it’s a research ship, named the Research Expedition Vessel. It costs $350 million to build, and Røkke has pledged another $150 million to keep it running for three years.  It’ll have a variety of trawls to collect samples, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), helicopters that carry autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), wet labs, and room for 60 researchers. Even better? Those researchers will be able to stay on for free. The ship is fitted to withstand all kinds of conditions and travel around the world. The mission is to find solutions to problems like ocean acidification, overfishing, and pollution. The plan is currently for the ship to launch in 2021. (1, 2)

Chartering the REV

In March and April 2020, the REV Ocean company put out a call for proposals. The proposals, for research projects that will fit into REV’s mission, will help them find the scientists to man the vessel as it launches. However, what if you long to see the ship, but have no scientific gifts? Assuming you are a friend of Kjell Inge Røkke–or very wealthy in your own right–your dreams may be in reach. When not conducting research, the REV will be able to be used as a luxury yacht--and Røkke has plans to allow people to charter the vessel for private use. The funds will then go back into financing the research. But don’t think this is an excuse to build a personal yacht and write it off on his taxes. Røkke takes his goals of bettering the environment seriously. “The REV will be a platform for gathering knowledge,” he says. “I would like to welcome researchers, environmental groups, and other institutions on board, to acquire new skills to evolve innovative solutions to address challenges and opportunities connected to the seas.” (3, 4)

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